General Terms and Conditions of Arjada GmbH
Updated July 2016

13. Custom-built models

Customer-specific databases commissioned via the Arjada GmbH and which do not originate from the arja.beryll® program series contain intellectual property of the Arjada GmbH who holds the property rights thereof. With the delivery of the software or the databank the commissioning party or parties is accorded the sole user rights for personal use pursuant to paragraph 5 above. Programming errors will be rectified free of charge; service, further development and support will be charged at an hourly work rate or via a service subscription (see paragraph 9 above). In addition, the customer is entitled to request the administrator password at any point in order to administer the database themselves and reconfigure it for their own use. In principle the Arjada GmbH is also responsible for customer-specific databases in accordance with paragraph 8 above. From the moment the administrator password is issued it no longer accepts liability for the security of the data and no longer provides a warranty for the functions of the database. From this point in time onwards every service (rectification of faults, maintenance and support) provided by the Arjada GmbH will be charged at an hourly work rate.

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